SELF DELIVERANCE PRAYER - PART 2 - Click Here for Part 1
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the authority of God's Word, and the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, as it relates to me and my family, I bind all evil spirits of pride, judgment, rebellion, defiance, unforgiveness, envy, impatience, resentment, vanity, coveting, selfishness, idolatry, haughtiness, mockery, disobedience, arrogance, hypocrisy, denial, disbelief, guilt, shame, confusion, doubt, self-hatred, poor self-image, rejection, persecution, prejudice, possessiveness, anger, hatred, fear, timidity, passivity, control, unbelief, jealousy, division, disunity, distrust, deception, dishonesty, destruction, vengeance, hyperactivity, competitiveness, accusation, torment, procrastination, stubbornness, strife, criticism, manipulation, materialism, betrayal, gossip, greed, poverty, revenge, adultery, divorce, separation, hypochondria, infirmity, sickness, disease, hormonal disorders or dysfunction, fatigue, anorexia, bulimia, depression, oppression, suicide, schizophrenia, worry, anxiety, sleeplessness, ADD, nervousness, withdrawal, loneliness, isolation, ostracism, negativity, and all addictive spirits of gluttony, perfection, alcoholism, nicotine, excessive spending, excessive shopping, gambling, frenzy, drug abuse, self-abuse, yoga, transcedental meditation, sexual addictions, sexual perversions, seduction, pornography, masturbation, lust, fornication, incest, homophobia, pedophilia, sexual inadequacies, frigidity, impotency, fear of sex, hatred of men, hatred of women, sexual impurities, immorality, abortion, promiscuity, familiar spirits, murder, evil games, deaf, dumb, blind, mute, and sleeping unclean spirits, new age spirits, cult spirits, seducing and enticing spirits, and any occult spirits, and death in all of us. I loose them to where Jesus Christ sends them.In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I declare broken and destroyed any aggression, attempts of the enemy to penetrate, curses resulting in the destruction of the mind, behavioral perversion, blasphemies, enchantments, incantations, sorcery, communication with dark spirits, consulting with the dead, condemnation, control, curses affecting the household, curses associated with utterances, curses from any demonic avenues and doors that have opened, curses from generational lines coming down from both the father and the mothers family lines, curses from the womb, cursing another, deceptions of all types, delusions, demonic attacks, demonic condemnation, covenants, depression, destruction of all types, destruction of finances, destruction of marriage, destruction of family, destruction of the body, distractions, dullness of mind, dysfunctionality, adverse effects, side effects, and stings, every idle word spoken contrary to God's original plans and purposes, evil allegiances, evil cords, poison, condemnation, demonic condemnation, evil condemnation, contracts, evil devices, evil forces and powers, hindrances, imaginations, evil influences passed down socially, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, inherited, or any other channel, unknown to me, conscious, or unconscious evil alliances, evil interplay, manifestations, evil or wrong perceptions, and evil thoughts concerning us, our families, work, and ministries which we are to accomplish, evil principalities, evil spirits of inheritances and curses, evil spirits that follow, evil strongholds, wishes, false anointing and impartation, trauma, false prophecies prophesied, familiar perversion, financial perversion, futility of the mind, ill spoken words, ill wishes, illusions, influences or stings, interaction with darkness, lies, manipulation, mind control, negative feelings, neutralizing effects, bad habits, nullifying affects of wrong words and the enemy, occult ties, oppression, pains, perverse speech, thoughts, plans, perversion, poverty, powers and rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places, proclivities and captivities that are contrary to, opposes, or hinder God's Will and destiny for our lives, religious perversion, satanic, and demonic alliances, schemes of the enemy or wicked people, self condemnation, sexual perversion, spiritual perversion, evil systems of people or the enemy, terrorism, twistedness of the mind, unconscious associations or covenants with darkness, undue hardship, undue pressures, ungodly soul ties, unjust soul bonds, unjust soul ties, unjust ties, unjust bonds, unrighteous agreements that I have entered into, vain thoughts, wiles of the devil, witchcraft prayers, witchcraft spells, demonic spells, evil spells, satanic spells, works of the devil, wrong and worldly traditional religious thinking, wrong mind sets & thinking patterns.Lord Jesus Christ, I ask that You release the fullness of Your Holy Spirit to flood the places vacated by the darkness in our minds, bodies and souls. Please fill us with Your perfect love, joy, peace, truth, power, charity, humility, forgiveness, faithfulness, goodness, kindness, wholeness, wellness, health, trust, self control, a good self image, discipline, obedience, a sound mind, prosperity, order, relinquishment, acceptance of ourselves and others. Free us from all fear, guilt, shame, and all addictions, and fill us to overflowing with the light and life of You. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord; that You will awaken our sleeping spirits, and bring us into the light. Thank You Lord that You will transform us by the renewing of our minds daily in Christ Jesus. Thank You Lord; that You will pour out Your Spirit on us, and reveal Your Word to us. Thank You Lord that You will give Your angels charge over us in all our ways (Psalm 91).Thank You Lord that we believe in You, and from our innermost beings shall flow rivers of living waters. Thank You Lord that You will direct our hearts into the love of God and the steadfast of Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray with thanksgiving. Amen. Click here for Part 1
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