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For Real Estate Property Curse Breaking, please

"If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9.

Brother Carlos Oliveira is an expert on the subject of Curses, Witchcraft, Cursed Sites and Objects and the negative effects they have on humans, such as: Incurable Diseases, Chronic Pain, Murder, Premature Death, Homicide, Suicide, Depression, Mental Illness, Sleep Disorder, Car Accidents, Divorce, Child Molestation, Sexual Perversion, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Etc... Curses negatively affect all human population.

Carlos has been featured on Netflix, National Geographic "Taboo"; History Channel "Miracles Decoded"; Bio Channel "Cursed"; Discovery Channel "Expedition Unknown"; BuzzFeed; Telemundo; NBC News; CBS Eyewitness; Comedy Central "Ghost Realtor"; Vice Canada; Rock 100.5 FM Radio, Atlanta GA; The Drive Home 790 KABC, Los Angeles; YouTube, Facebook,, Vimeo, Etc.

Please, donate to support this ministry. Thank you.​
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Cash App: Click Here

Zelle: (415) 324-9207

Venmo: @BrotherCarlosO


Carlos Oliveira

PO Box 7966

Fresno, CA 93747

TEL. #: 415.324.9207


Thank you!


​Pls, donate below to support our ministry. Thank you!
PayPal: Click Here

Cash App: Click Here

Zelle: (415) 324-9207

Venmo: @BrotherCarlosO


Carlos Oliveira

PO Box 7966

Fresno, CA 93747

Thank you!

Tel. # 415-324-9207

Copyright © 2025 Carlos A. Oliveira

DELIVERANCE MINISTRY, MINISTRIES, CHURCHES, REAL ESTATE EXORCISTS, PROPERTY, LAND AND HOME CURSE BREAKING, PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS IN abilene, tx - akron, oh - alaska - albany, ny - albuquerque, nm - allentown, pa - amarillo, tx - ann arbor, mi - appleton, wi - asheville, nc - athens, ga - atlanta, ga - auburn, al - augusta, ga - austin, tx - bakersfield, ca - baltimore, md - baton rouge, la -beaumont, tx - bellingham, wa - bend, or - birmingham, al - bloomington, il - bloomington, in - boise, id - boone, nc - boston, ma - boulder, co - brownsville, tx - buffalo, ny - burlington, vt - calgary, ab - cape cod, ma - carbondale, il (new) - cedar rapids, ia - central jersey, nj - chambana, il - charleston, sc - charlotte, nc - charlottesville, va - chattanooga, tn - chesapeake, va - chicago, il - chico, ca - cincinnati, oh - cleveland, oh - college station, tx - colorado springs, co - columbia, sc - columbia/jeff city, mo - columbus, ga - columbus, oh - corpus christi, tx - corvallis, or - dallas/ft. worth, tx - danville, va - dayton, oh - daytona, fl - delaware - denver, co - des moines, ia - detroit, mi - dothan, al (new) - dubuque, ia - duluth, mn - east idaho - east oregon, or - eastern north carolina, nc - eastern shore, va - eau claire, wi - edmonton, ab - el paso, tx - eugene, or - evansville, in - everett, wa - fargo, nd - fayetteville, ar - fayetteville, nc - flagstaff, az - flint, mi - florence, sc - fort collins, co - fort myers, fl - fort smith, ar - fredericksburg, va - fresno, ca - ft mcmurray, ab - ft wayne, in - ft. lauderdale, fl - gadsden, al (new) - gainesville, fl - galveston, tx - grand rapids, mi - green bay, wi - greensboro, nc - greenville, sc - guelph, on - halifax - hamilton, on - hampton, va - harrisburg, pa - harrisonburg, va - hartford, ct - hawaii - hickory, nc -hilton head, sc - houston, tx - hudson valley, ny - huntsville, al - indianapolis, in - inland empire, ca - iowa city, ia - jackson, ms - jacksonville, fl - janesville, wi - jersey shore, nj - jonesboro, ar - joplin, mo - kalamazoo, mi - kansas city, mo - keys, fl - killeen, tx - kitchener, on - knoxville, tn - la crosse, wi - lafayette, in - lafayette, la - lake charles, la - lakeland, fl - lancaster, pa - lansing, mi - laredo, tx - las vegas, nv - lawrence, ks - lawton, ok - lethbridge, ab - lexington, ky - lincoln, ne - little rock, ar - logan, ut - london, on - long beach, ca - los angeles, ca - louisville, ky - lubbock, tx (new) - lynchburg, va - macon, ga - madison, wi - maine - manhattan, ks - mankato, mn - mcallen, tx - medford, or - memphis, tn - merced, ca - miami, fl - milwaukee, wi - minneapolis/st paul, mn - mobile, al - modesto, ca - monroe, la - montana - monterey, ca - montgomery, al - montreal, qc - muncie, in - muscle shoals, al - myrtle beach, sc - nashville, tn - new brunswick - new hampshire - new haven, ct - new jersey - new orleans, la - new york city, ny - newport news, va - niagara, on - norfolk, va - north dakota - north - jersey, nj - oakland/east bay, ca - ocala, fl - odessa, tx - ogden, ut - oklahoma city, ok - olympia, wa - omaha, ne - orange county, ca - oregon coast, or - orlando, fl - ottawa, on - outer banks, nc - palm springs, ca - panama city, fl - pensacola, fl - peoria, il - philadelphia, pa - phoenix, az - pittsburgh, pa - portland, or - portsmouth, va - prescott, az - providence, ri - provo, ut - pueblo, co - puerto rico - pullman, id - quad cities, ia - quebec city, qc - racine, wi - raleigh-durham, nc - reading, pa - red deer, ab - regina, sk - reno/tahoe, nv - richmond, va - rochester, mn - Redding, Humboldt County, Mendocino, Siskiyou, Susanville, Annapolis, Cumberland Valley, Frederick, Western Maryland, rochester, ny - rockford, il - rockies, co - roseburg, or - sacramento, ca - saginaw, mi - salem, or - salt lake city, ut - san antonio, tx - san diego, ca - san fernando valley, ca - san francisco, ca - san jose, ca - san marcos, tx - santa barbara, ca - santa fe, nm - sarasota, fl - saskatoon, sk -savannah, ga - scranton, pa - seattle, wa - sheboygan, wi - shreveport, la - sierra vista, az - sioux city, ia - south bend, in - south coast, ma - south dakota, sd - south jersey, nj - southeast missouri, mo - space coast, fl - spokane, wa -springfield, il -springfield, ma - springfield, mo - st. augustine, fl - st. cloud, mn - st. george, ut - st. louis, mo - stillwater, ok - suffolk, va - syracuse, ny - tacoma, wa - tallahassee, fl - tampa, fl - terre haute, in - texarkana, tx - tijuana - toledo, oh - topeka, ks - toronto, on - treasure coast, fl - tri-cities, tn - tri-cities, wa - tucson, az - tulsa, ok - tuscaloosa, al - twin falls, id - tyler, tx - vancouver, bc - ventura, ca - victoria, bc - victoria, tx - virginia beach, va - visalia, ca - waco, tx - washington dc - wausau, wi -west palm beach, fl - western slope, co - West Virginia, Charleston, Huntington, Martinsburg, Morgantown , Parkersburg, Southern West Virginia, Wheeling, wichita falls, tx - wichita, ks - wilmington, nc - windsor, on - winnipeg - winston - salem, nc - worcester, ma - wyoming - yuma, az - Alberta, Calgary, Edmonton, Ft Mcmurray, Lethbridge, Red Deer, British Columbia, Abbotsford, Cariboo, Comox Valley, Cranbrook, Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Prince George, Skeena, Sunshine Coast, Vancouver, Victoria, Whistler, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Barrie, Belleville, Brantford, Chatham, Cornwall, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Niagara, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Peterborough, Sarnia, Sault Ste Marie, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Windsor, Quebec, Montreal, Quebec City, Saskatchewan, Regina, Saskatoon, Caribbean, Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands.

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